Public safty and mobile policing solution


Situations that require effective and fast action demand that public safety officials are equipped with the most dependable public safety communications technology. Maxpad's public safety communication networks and terminal, will offer the flexibility you need in mission critical situations. Locate your mobile teams in real time, communicate seamlessly across agencies and activate broadband in a given area. Whatever the need, ensure that the public safety communications systems your agency is using can meet the challenges faced by first responders.

It's critical to implement a plan that keeps your system secure from a range of intrusions. And if disaster does strike and your network is compromised, you'll have a plan for getting your mission critical technology back online as efficiently as possible. In emergencies, it's never acceptable for your network to go down, the police in field needs to communicate seamlessly across multiple agencies and jurisdictions to mount an effective joint response. It's critical to implement a plan that keeps your system secure from a range of intrusions. And if disaster does strike and your network is compromised, you'll have a plan for getting your mission critical technology back online as efficiently as possible.

The solution allows users from different departments to work together in the field and seamlessly connect to each other's remote command & control and dispatch facilities. At the dispatch center, conferencing between centers allows full coordination. It can work with your existing consoles to add basic joint dispatch capabilities, can serve as your primary command and control. It can even provides recording and retrieval capabilities on a standard PC.